Sunday, January 23, 2011

Where Do We Go From Here?

Lately the song "Where do we go from here", from The Alan Parsons Project keeps running around in my head. The same few words,

"Where do we go from here now that all of the children have grown up?"

I guess this is a reminder that it is getting to be that time. All of the children are growing up, my baby is 18. She is headed off to college in the fall, our son is on the far side of his Sophomore year in college, and has made the shift to feeling more at 'home' when he is away at school.

So what does it mean? What will I be filling my days with, now that the bulk of my job is ending. My job, being Mom, has been the most important and rewarding work of my life. We have raised two great people. I look forward to seeing where their lives take them. It is their time now, they are taking the reigns.

I am not imagining I am done being Mom, I am saying most of the hours the job requires have gone down, way down. I am headed into a time of great transition. I am looking forward to this time, and I have been preparing for it, as best I can. How do you prepare for the unknown? I don't know! I laugh as I say that, but that is the truth, and becoming comfortable with not knowing is the best thing I can do. If I thought I knew what to do, I might feel more relaxed, but that doesn't seem right. It feels like it is important to keep myself flexible even though as I say that it feels a bit scary, but in a good way. I am going to try to keep myself open to the possibilities. To keep suiting up and showing up, to keep paying attention wherever my heart leads me, and to be careful not to fall into the trap of getting too comfortable, and not doing enough stretching. It would be easy to do. Now it feels like I have permission to coast a bit, and I will and yet, now I can spread my wings to the world of possibilities. I am looking forward to playing more, more drawing, more writing, more dabbling in the healing arts, and who knows what else. I am keeping some room open on my tray of life. If I know what all I will be doing, I am filling up all the nooks and crannies, then there will not be room for The Unknown, for Divine Magic to happen. I am keeping some space available for that. It is a bit uncomfortable, I am getting used to that.

So the song says, "Where do we go from here?" I don't know. I just don't know, and that is okay. More Alan Parsons Project, "If I promised you the moon and stars would you believe it?" Let's open our hearts and leap into the next phase of our lives. Whatever is going on in your life, we are all heading into new times. Do you have room for The Unknown, what about the moon and stars? Breathe, get centered. Let's go.

Sending you Blessings and Love for a wonderful day today and every day.


  1. This is such an exciting time! I can't wait to see what the future holds for all of us. I'm in awe of the possibilities! Love you...A.

  2. It is so exciting. Thanks Amy for reading, dear friend. i look forward to seeing how this continues to unfold for us all. Love you back! Kim
